Happy August everybody!
How have you all been? You all look thin and tan and relaxed, I'm glad to see! :P Just checking in with a post to let everyone know I am about halfway done with my latest Sanic cartoon that is based around the hottest upcoming game: Sonic Forces. I have a few images for any curious eyes, as always I appreciate any reading/browsing/ignoring my posts; I seem to have a bad habit of shutting myself in the dark while working on cartoons. Light is good every once in awhile!
As always I have a Patreon for anyone interested in funding the horrible meme brigade that are my cartoons!
Everyone keep on enjoying your cool and blue summers! :D
We love you, Cone. <3<3<3*fart noise*<3<3
...Sanic's feet look professional and highly detailed. You didn't trace them, did you?